Thanks to our fellow blogger “Marco” for posting this question to NB “why there's no discussion board on networkedblogs??”...
Waleed of NetworkedBlogs finally responded, as shown below:
Waleed of NetworkedBlogs finally responded, as shown below:
Hey everyone,
We removed two types of discussion boards recently. Here are the details:
1. The home page discussion board:
On our application home page, we had a small discussion board that everyone can post to. That was intended as a place to meet new people and discuss any topic. Unfortunately, it was overrun by self promotion leaving no space for any other kind of discussion. While there is nothing wrong with self promotion, if it's done wrong it borders on spam. Things like "follow me and I follow you" don't benefit anyone. It might get you a few followers, but they don't really care what you write. We are considering other options to replace the discussion board, and we want to offer space for self promotion as well (in a reasonable way), and hopefully you'll see something new and much better.
2. The comments wall on blog pages.
On each blog page we had a comment wall are where anyone can leave a note to the author of the blog. Unfortunately, as well, these were abused by some bloggers who would post their own blog URL on everyone's page. The blog owners were usually frustrated and we got a lot of complaints. Then, last week, there was a Facebook bug that caused these comments walls to throw an error, so we had to remove them "temporarily". But then we were surprised that we got almost no complaints about the missing comments wall. So, we figured no one really cared. We got less complaints about the missing comment walls than we got about the spam on them. So it made sense to keep them off as well.
So that's what happened. And I'd love to hear your thoughts and/or suggestions.
Aug-10 2011 13:53.
Here’s the link if you want to reply to comments:
Hope this will clear up everything... and hope it’d helped in some way... Yahweh bless.
thanks for the info coz i was wondering about the same thing, hope they could put something to replace it where sincere interaction could be made between bloggers. thanks.