
Social Spark

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Kadayawan Festival Calendar Of Events

"Ten Tribes, One Vibe" is this year's theme for the "King of Festivals"... our very own Kadayawan sa Dabaw.  We are inviting everyone to visit our city in this celebration which is scheduled this coming August 17-19, 2012.  Please be guided of the major and accredited events and activities happening around Davao City, based on the poster provided below.  Make the necessary reservations now to celebrate and enjoy the festivities with us.  Thanks. Yahweh bless.


  1. Festival like this should be supported by all agencies so we can promote our culture and history.

  2. I was able to watch Kadayawan festival several years ago. I hope to visit the place again in the future.

  3. havent been to davao even though one of my best friend came from davao... she said it's a must visit not only because its the safest city but also it has a lot of offerings that i would really enjoy.. and i think Kadayawan fest would be one of those... how i wish i can get to davao, one day!

  4. Can't wait to celebrate Kadayawan here in Davao

  5. wow daming events, I will try to really watch the parade this time.

  6. wish i could fly to davao for this <3

  7. This sounds like a very nice, cultural event. I wish I could be there I love festivals

  8. i hope i can also experience this well-known festival one day...

  9. Surely, one day I will bring my daughter to davao and join the fun together...
