
Social Spark

Monday, July 2, 2012

Enjoying The Pouring Rain

It was raining one afternoon and the kids asked us if they can play in the rain.  We were hesitant at first thinking they might get sick.  But then I remembered, how fun it was doing that, so I asked my wife to let them.  And before we knew it, the kids were already running around and playing in the rain.

Watching them, I can't help myself recall of how careless we were then when we were kids.  We would play in the rain for hours, even after the rain stopped.  We would run in the muddy waters not knowing what was in it, oh yes, we didn't care.  We would even play with mud as if it was clay, using it to form something we can use for fun.  Then we would play tags all day long with our clothes just dried up while wearing it.  And as soon as we were finished we took a bath to wash away rainwater, as we were always told by elders, that being soaked with rainwater would make you sick.

It's okay to be protective with our kids, especially that there are a lot of diseases today.  But being overly and sometimes unreasonably promoting strict measures just to keep our children safe is another thing.  We must also let them enjoy things and exposing them to these conditions will somewhat improve their immune system since our body is created to adapt and build its own defenses naturally, just as that when we were kids. 

After minutes in the rain, they were ready to hit the shower and we made sure they clean themselves thoroughly.  Oh well, my boy got a minor cut on his foot when he accidentally removed his slippers while playing.  But they were really both happy, and we received hugs and kisses for allowing them.

There will be risks along the way, but they will only be kids once... I just can't take that away from them.  I enjoyed mine, its time they enjoy theirs.  Yahweh bless.


  1. I also enjoyed playing in the rain when we were kids and now that I'm an adult, I do run in the rain. It feels so refreshing being under the rain. Great parenting by the way, recognizing risk and allowing your kids some leeway to take their own risks.

  2. aww, i remember those days too when i would run around and play in the rain! so much fun!
    yes, sometimes you have to let kids experience a little life no matter the risk it may be. It gives them a chance to enjoy life at a young age. :)

  3. I agree. You can only do so much to protect your kids, but mainly you have to let them enjoy and experience life. I applaud you for allowing your kids to do this. We haven't had rain all summer and I sure would welcome it. Kathy

  4. Well, my grandparents even allow me to swim the flood. But that was in the province.hehe. :) It's fun to let kids be dirty sometimes. :)

  5. Oh, it's really hard to stop kids from what can make them happy.
    it's worth the risk after seeing them enjoying. lol, it reminds me of my childhood. ^_^ It's really fun to play in the rain.

  6. You are a good father Ralph! I know a lot of parents who are so overly protecting their kids. This is one reason why I don't agree with home schooling too, we should let the kids enjoy their life the way normal kids do. Parents cannot protect them forever, later on they will learn a lot through experience.

  7. Parents are very protective when it comes to health issues. I guess we should let kids enjoy and let them be.

  8. Let the children be children , so they say, so they will not act like children when they grow up.

  9. oh, i miss playing in the rain. i'm sad my kids won't get to enjoy the fun do it. Germans here might get shocked seeing them. haha!

  10. You and your wife should have joined your kids too! lol! we love playing in the rain, sad, we don't do it anymore!

  11. It fun to play in the rain :) . I will definitely do this again with my kids if time and chance permits me.

  12. kids won't be kids forever... let them enjoy while you worry of the precautions they need. thanks for all your comments, guys. Appreciate it most. Yahweh bless.

  13. I could hardly remember the last time I played
    in the rain but I never encourage my kids to
    have the experience because of my worries
    about... ACID RAIN.

    The kids definitely enjoyed it... the photo shows
    how they did.
