
Social Spark

Monday, July 18, 2011

A Blink of an Eye

That's how to describe accidents in the road.  Just hours ago, while I'm on my way home from work, a "habal-habal" (a motorcycle for hire) with 3 people on-board overtake me at a speed more or less 80 km/hr.  Just as reaching them as they slowed down in an intersection, and turned to the same direction as I'm going to... with just running a few meters, their rear tire blow up and I saw the motorcycle wiggled and slammed to the cemented road... as it skid along with the driver and his 2 passengers.  Good thing I was following them in a safe distance and moving in a slow speed, otherwise it would be a different story.  I easily avoided collision and went to halt to check if they were okay.  Each one of them got up quickly and folks from the houses nearby already went to check on them, so I continued to my travel.

That time, I was already extra cautious in my driving towards home.  I just can't help thinking, that Yahweh just  cleared my mind with thoughts and urges to speed up and saved me from a possible accident.  It's a reminder from Him and it's noted.  When driving, be in a safe distance from the vehicle you are following and being in a speed where you can still react when something goes wrong.  Also, always check your vehicle if it is at its best condition... And never ever forget to pray for His protection and guidance because you definitely don't know whats ahead of you.  Thank you, my Lord... to Yours be all the praises and glory... 


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